Where is Christmas?

Is Christmas found in crowds at the shopping mall…
frantic shoppers looking for the perfect gift…
pushing and shoving to get the last item on the shelf?

Is Christmas found in carolers singing on busy streets…
walking down hallways of nursing homes or hospitals…
bringing joy to hurting and lonely people?

Is Christmas found in churches
full of people who come once a year
to see children as shepherds, sheep, wise men…
trying to remember their lines?

Where is Christmas found this year…
this year when so many things have changed…
when family gatherings and church services
are cancelled to protect the vulnerable?

Where is Christmas?

Christmas is found in the hearts
of those who care for others…
the hours of work by nurses and doctors
seeking to bring healing and hope.

Christmas is found when our eyes are open
to see “the other” as sister…brother…
when love is stronger than fear
and peace is our goal.

Christmas is not just a time or a place.
It’s in us and through us…
it is the Divine with us…
constantly becoming present.

Christmas is here…
Christmas is now…
Christmas is where and when
our hearts and minds are open.